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peter out

美 [ˈpiːtər aʊt]英 [ˈpiːtə(r) aʊt]
  • v.逐渐结束;逐渐消亡
peter outpeter out

peter out


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 逐渐结束;逐渐消亡
    If something peters out, it gradually comes to an end.

    The six-month strike seemed to be petering out...



use up all one's strength and energy and stop working
At the end of the march, I pooped out
Synonym: poop out run down run out conk out
end weakly
The music just petered out--there was no proper ending
Synonym: taper off fizzle out fizzle


  1. The car engine just peter out after ten year of hard driving .


  2. And the influx of Asian students to America may peter out .


  3. In my judgment , the positive impact of a fiscal stimulus will peter out after its scheduled completion .


  4. Groupon feels like an ebay-like ( eBay ) trend waiting to peter out .


  5. Deals of this sort have emerged in the past and have come to nothing , analysts said , and it is possible this one , too , could peter out .


  6. Otherwise , it ran the risk of seeing the whole revolution peter out into a mere peasant uprising that would collapse when it hit the cities .


  7. And whereas Wi-Fi signals peter out after 100 metres or so , their white-space equivalents could have ranges of several kilometres .


  8. There are concerns that the rapid expansion in the region may soon peter out and global carmakers like JLR are looking to other emerging markets for the next phase of growth .


  9. A new concern Mr Rajan expressed while talking to the FT Financial Times , was that the productivity gains that have underpinned the world economy might peter out as fresh policy reforms stall .


  10. But though the Hangzhou strike is likely to peter out , the grievances that sparked it may not be resolved so easily , and may resurface elsewhere , say labour analysts .


  11. Indeed the number of new and significant packages may begin to peter out as the public accounts of most countries can no longer cope with the growing burden of insolvency or assume further private sector risk .


  12. Goldman Sachs estimates that the growth impact of the House version peaks in the second and third quarters of 2009 , and that by the final quarter of 2010 will start to peter out .


  13. Although there remains a risk that the global recovery may peter out , the consultancy said that the 14.2 per cent of companies making a change in the top job represented a return to the seven-year historical average .


  14. But this figure could decline a lot in the next few months , particularly if the boom in steelmaking , one factor that has pushed up iron ore prices in the past four years , starts to peter out later in 2008 .


  15. The good news is that H1N1 is hitting North America at the tail end of its flu season . It 's possible that the virus may peter out and re-appear next autumn , but that gives us months to prepare .


  16. Despite a face-to-face meeting with Madoff in which the regulators caught him telling an obvious falsehood about his options trading , the commission concluded there was no evidence of fraud and allowed the investigation to peter out .


  17. Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man


  18. So Peter got out of the boat and also walked on the water .


  19. When his homework was done , Peter went out to play .


  20. You said Peter was out of town .


  21. Peter launched out into another of his stories .


  22. Peter moved out bag and baggage yesterday and the room became quiet today .


  23. The Bible tells us that Peter went out and cried bitterly .


  24. Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence .


  25. Peter scratched out his name on the bark of the tree .


  26. Wendy quite liked it , until Peter pointed out the drawbacks .


  27. It is said that Peter fled out of the prison after having been sentenced to death .


  28. Peter flung out his arms .


  29. Peter blurted out the news .


  30. John advised Peter to get out and mix more with people .
